Tuesday 30 September 2008

Experimental Video - Koyaanisqatsi

The first film is Koyaanisqatsi also known as Life out of balance. The creator of this film was Godfrey Reggio.
The duration of this film is 1 hour 23 minutes long and it revolves around the idea of changing between audio and visual.
Something I notice that there is a lot of non-deigetic noises such as the repition in the name of the film. Others are that the music tempo would start of slow and would the nget faster and then might slow down soon after. At some point we also hear a tone that sounds like a hospital machine telling you of death.

I think the premise behind the film is to show us what the world is about such as conflict, nature and maybe death.
It left me at first confused but later I start to understand this film and that there is no set subject but many.

Craft, Concept and Context

The meanings for the following words are:

Craft: It is to show the actual meaning for something which shows the skill involved such as Gisele Kerozene.

Concept: It is the skill behind the project. It is the reason for it's being.

Context: This meaning is what you are lead to believe as it is formed around our understanding. Our knowledge if you like.

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Brighton Pictures 02

This picture doesn't show our usuall image of the seaside because of the burnt out pier. The image we usually see is the new pier in the background maybe with a sandy beach. However this beach is all pebbles and has remains of the derilict pier which they would never show because in would not attract people to the beach.

Brighton Pictures

I think this picture of bottle caps and broken glass on the beach is not what i would call an acceptable image of the British Seaside because on postcards and leaflets we see golden beachs and blue skies but they wouldn't show this because it would drive tourists away.

Brighton Pictures

Using the following pictures i will try and explain how these do not meet our expectations of the British Seaside.

I think the picture of the beach with the bottle caps isn't what we would picture on the british seaside because on the British seaside postcards and leaflets they won't show rubbish because it would make it seem and unlike a family holiday.

What is Experimental Video?

I think experimental videoing is where you are to film in different forms from things such as film making. I think it could use such methods of use such as maybe not wanting to properly show the image in question or maybe having very poor lighting on the lens.

An experimental video I have done before was my horror trailer from btec first.
We used such effects like these and they are very easy to create. Not only are they easy to create but they add really good effects to your work.