Friday 24 October 2008

Film content review sheet

Name of film

Name of creator or films artist Stuart Cox

Duration Approximately 2 to 3 minutes

Briefly give an overview of the types visual images used in this chosen piece. (B&W, colour, locations, actors etc.)

Some of the ways I will film this project are using black and white and also in colour.
I will use places such as the ninth floor and maybe if I need it the fourth floor. I will use memorial gardens for the opening shot and maybe the end as well and
The actors in my film are myself (behind the camera) who is playing a teenager and he is suffering from being deaf. The others in the film are Chris, Dan and Harry who are his friends.

Briefly give an overview of the types audio used in the video. (Is the Audio Diegetic or Non Diegetic, does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)

I will not use much of an audio sound track in my project as I will be displaying text as a substitute in the actual film. This is because my character is deaf and to create an effect I will not use sound in my project to make the audience feel involved. I will use the track to build up a feel of the story.

What do you think the premise or controlling idea of this video is?

It is to make people more aware that deaf people try to live their life normally yet they do have difficulties that we are not aware off. This is the main point of my project yet another reason is to show that people with disabilities have trouble fitting in with others to have a normal social life.

What thoughts are the audience left with after they have viewed this film?

I would hope to say that people are left thinking about the film in a positive light and to see that people with difficulties can still have social life yet still see that no matter whom you are there’re problems fitting in with others around you.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

6. Audience, and audience interpretation of the work (200 Words)

No matter who or where you’re from many people will have different interpretations to the same video. This is because different people will view a subject in a different manner depending on when they were born and that people will have similar opinions but always the same.
For example the film 1001 nights was not to my liking and this was because I enjoy films with lots of video and CGI effects but yet some people do like it because of the truth and the concept behind it.
However a film like Doll face is something I would watch time and time again. My reason for this is because being a teenager from the modern era where technology is really advanced and to some point still advancing. I understand the concept and meaning behind the video. It is because the world circulates around the media and it affects the audience in a way that maybe someone from the 70’s might not understand, because they were not aware of such effects and what the media represented.
The film Koyaanisqatsi is from the 90’s and this is were technology started advancing and yet because it’s modern I can understand this. My opinion of the film is that because of the technology and science behind what we do the world changes with us and that technology will go so far before it can go no further. I liked this film because of the way that by using simple repetition you can create so much and effect so many.

5. How these works might inspire your own work (100 Words)

The idea for my experimental video is about the world and changes to the world around us. This might involve using media and the use of fast and slow motion to help me show this to the audience. I will also text and certain points to help the viewer through the video or create a lasting image.
I would say that the film Doll face might inspire my work because it’s way of showing us a view of the media and how it revolves around us. It’s concept of using a women and making herself better and better until she cannot make herself go any further is a good way of making a lasting impression on us.
But I also believe that the film Koyaanisqatsi would inspire my work because it uses fast and slow motion to make the viewer look at this work in a realistic light. For example looking at people walking really quickly (fast motion) may show us that the world is changing around us quicker than we know it to be and yet we manage to cope.
The last film that might help is telling lies and this is because it’s use of text. The entire film of telling lies which being based around voices and using text to show the audience truth could help as the way it’s used. The text doesn’t just appear on our screen it flows in some places with the voices and that creates a more visual image.

3. Narrative and non-narrative structures (100 Words)

Using three of these films Koyaanisqatsi, 1001 nights and the girl chewing gum. I will try and explain how each of these films have there own style of structure.
The first I will use is 1001 nights. I think this has the basic structure because we are introduced at the start to 5 female actresses. At the start of the story we are introduced to the first women and this continues to the third women who out of the five is the middle part of this story and we end the story on the fifth and final woman.
This is slightly different to the one we see in the video Koyaanisqatsi and this is because the storyline we see in this video is that in the beginning we are introduced to some cave drawings and then into what we may presume is a fire. So as the film goes on we can tell that the peak of this story (middle) is switching between fast and slow tempos and that soon using some repetition we can expect the story to end. This is done by using the opening clip of cave drawings.
The final clip the girl chewing gum is similar more to the video 1001 knights more than the film Koyaanisqatsi. This is because that the film Koyaanisqatsi has a beginning, middle and end yet the girl chewing gum and 1001 knights we are taken into the story ands the middle of a scene.
These three stories all have a narrative structure yet with the film Koyaanisqatsi structure creates the sense that we look at it differently to the other two. The girl chewing gum has a tiny introduction yet we are able to grasp the story further and further on we go because we are given more detail. Even towards the end of the film we can tell that even though we can understand we are learning more as we go along.

Friday 10 October 2008

1. Discuss both past and current artists and works

I will compare the film Koyaanisqatsi to two other films. They are The Girl Chewing Gum and Doll Face.
The film Koyaanisqatsi when comparing it to the film The girl chewing gum I can tell that they are different in craft and concept. The craft in Koyaanisqatsi is that we see the effects that we can do nowadays to that we could do in the seventies. An example of this is slow-motion and fast-motion something that may have been available to John Smith but he may not have able to afford this. John Smith’s craft behind it lacks effort because he is dubbing over the film. The concept between them is different as well because Koyaanisqatsi shows us the effect humans have on the world today through global warming and destroying the earth. Yet the concept for The girl chewing gum is to show us that we should not always believe what a narrator tells us. His reason behind this is that most documentaries shot at that time used a narrator.
If I was to compare Koyaanisqatsi to Doll face I can see that Doll Face is completely different.
The craft is different because Andy Huang uses CGI to create his work and to the other artists he uses a far superior amount of technology to make this affective. His concept is that people are more obsessed with the media and how they look and are pushing themselves to make them more like the models in the celebrity magazines you might find on the shelf and soon we will not be able to go any further.

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Chapter 2How does the use of technology differ think about when they where made was the technology new then?

The differences in technology and style between the three films are down to its difference in technological equipment through time. For example in the girl chewing gum we can see that the film is in black and white using a man narrating as a voice over, which is down to it being filmed in the late seventies. But the difference between this and a film like telling lies (2001) filmed in colour which uses animated text is down to what was available and what would be affective. Another thing to consider is that the styles are very similar between the two. I think this is because the audio on both films are using different ways of using voices. If I was to add the film 1001 nights we can see one of the major differences between the three films. The film the girl chewing gum uses a non-diegetic voice track because as we progress through the film it becomes clear that the soundtrack has bee added after the actual recording. Now take Telling lies which I suppose we can take as diegetic or non-diegetic. This is because we can almost guarantee that the recording takes place but after that it gets problematic. The problems are that there is no visual reference to the actual voices or the text which means that video can be taken as a non-diegetic or diegetic piece. Also that the telephone noises could be done during the recording or added afterwards. The last film 1001 nights I can say is certainly diegetic. It is diegetic because the actors on screen are a visual reference to the voices and we can see it is them speaking at that time.
The post production is also important to establish the difference in technology. In The girl chewing gum the producer might not be able to edit all the clips but he can add into the film a voiceover but in the film telling lies which is a modern production, with the help of computers with editing software they makers of the film where able to add text and extra graphics to the film. They also have the capability to add in extra sounds like a telephone to the background.

This is also the case of the film 1001 nights. Although the film shows all five women at the same time. It could be possible that the film was shot five times and then they put them into one joint film. They too had the technology to black out the background and add in the occasional sound.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

The girl chewing gum

The creator is John SMith and last's for 9 minutes.

This film is about some pretending to be someone there not. We see people on street corners and people walking in and out of the shot. We notice pretty early that this guy has given himself away when he starts to get out of tempo with the film and later on he confesses that he is not the director but more of a commentator.

Experimental Video - Telling Lies

The film Telling Lies has a duration of four minutes.

Something I notice at the start is that there are no actores on screen. We persume is that this conversation is over the phone and that text apperas on screen to show us what they realy mean.
Some of the non-diegetic sounds we hear are people talking about relationship and hangovers.
I think that the premise is to tell people that what we say is not always what we mean.

Experimental Video - 1001 Nights

1001 Nights was created by Jananne Al-Ani and is a 6 minute colour film.

Some of the visual images we get are that there is a black background with the actresses in colour. There are five women eyes are closed before they talk.
On screen we can hear female voices talking in monologues yet of creen I can hear people talking and at one piont my mind played tricks and I can hear gun shots.
I think the premise is something to do with war and that innocent people do get killed and that people who witness war get physically and mentally scared.