Friday 24 October 2008

Film content review sheet

Name of film

Name of creator or films artist Stuart Cox

Duration Approximately 2 to 3 minutes

Briefly give an overview of the types visual images used in this chosen piece. (B&W, colour, locations, actors etc.)

Some of the ways I will film this project are using black and white and also in colour.
I will use places such as the ninth floor and maybe if I need it the fourth floor. I will use memorial gardens for the opening shot and maybe the end as well and
The actors in my film are myself (behind the camera) who is playing a teenager and he is suffering from being deaf. The others in the film are Chris, Dan and Harry who are his friends.

Briefly give an overview of the types audio used in the video. (Is the Audio Diegetic or Non Diegetic, does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)

I will not use much of an audio sound track in my project as I will be displaying text as a substitute in the actual film. This is because my character is deaf and to create an effect I will not use sound in my project to make the audience feel involved. I will use the track to build up a feel of the story.

What do you think the premise or controlling idea of this video is?

It is to make people more aware that deaf people try to live their life normally yet they do have difficulties that we are not aware off. This is the main point of my project yet another reason is to show that people with disabilities have trouble fitting in with others to have a normal social life.

What thoughts are the audience left with after they have viewed this film?

I would hope to say that people are left thinking about the film in a positive light and to see that people with difficulties can still have social life yet still see that no matter whom you are there’re problems fitting in with others around you.

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