Saturday 15 November 2008

Chapter 4 How does exhibition space change the meaning of the work?

I think that the space a piece of work is in can change the meaning or a concept of a piece of work because the amount of people or maybe the space given to that video can dramatically change the impact.
For example if I was to give the piece of work TH.2058 a small space without the rest of it’s exhibition then the way that the video is played it would lose all of it’s meaning and in my opinion that might have been felt in a larger space is lost as well.
In my opinion the way that as you enter the space and you see this truly strange line after line of bunk beds if this video was shown in a classroom in the light then all this feeling of being stranded whether inside or out could make the difference to how people might view this video.Another video that can have it’s meaning changed on the size of the room is “Psi Girls”. This is because she uses five projectors to show films, all on girls with powers. The meaning of each video could be changed from the colour each video might “jump” into. I use the word jump because each video doesn’t just go to the right or left but each video might jump to or three spaces at a time.

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