Monday 15 December 2008

Task 4

For my evaluation I will review all parts of my filming, what I could have done and what I have done.
First my idea was based around the concept of using the experimental as a way of showing people the effects of being blind. But I realised that this was not a good idea as someone in my group was doing the same idea. I then thought about other topics around the world today so I took the responsibility of using Global Warming for my topic. This idea had to based around the effects of what can and what has happened so I thought and planned how I would use people, transport and the environment in one idea.


My first day of pre-production started with doing some storyboard production and this was how I would start and mould the beginning of the film.
My first thought was to have an eye at the beginning of the film (non-crying) and one eye at or near the end of the film (crying) to show the emotion that some people feel towards certain topics. Then I thought of using the idea of linking the environment and what people do so I used the rubbish on the streets and the filming of normal civilians to create a somewhat link.
The other use of humans was in their cars because no matter what you read or hear cars damage the environment and was someone I felt I needed to include in my film .
Most of the other pieces of paper I needed to write were based around health and safety.


The filming I thought went alright. This was becasue most of the shots I wanted were actually available to film but there were set backs like the fact that the weather wasn't the best for some peices of filming and that I lost most of my filming between days of filming through the Mac laptop that I own.
Most of my filming was based on using long-shots and medium shots of my topical subjects like rubbish bags or motorway traffic. This is because you can see more of what I aimed to show the audience. Overall most of my filming was completed within a couple of days.


My post-production went very well but yet it wasn't easy. It started when my camera footage wasn't compatible with the apple computers so this ment using for part of my post-production the newer version of I-movie. After uploading my film to the computer i started looking through my footage and editing my movie into the order I wanted it to be in using my storyboard.
Once I had got all the necessary pieces of film and putting it in the right order I set about using the correct parts of video effects and how this would make my film more intresting, and from here and saving my work onto thawspace it was uploaded onto a dvd and was used in my exhibition.
After I had showed my video I handed out questionairre's I started to review what they wrote and here are some the examples. To the question 'Was there anything that you would change with the film' some people put that there was not enough congestion or anything to do with oil.
This means that it wasn't quite a good enough to make an impact on my audience.

Wednesday 10 December 2008

2.3 Post-Production Diary

First I uploaded my video's to the Mac computers using a firewire cable from the camera and imported them into Imovie HD.
After doing this I took the time to browse through each video to rearrange the video's into the order I wanted them using my storyboard.

I then browsed each clip for any footage that was unclear or not needed and simply deleted the footage. Then I used the crop tool to take away any parts of the footage I didn't need so it was easier to catergorise them into order. After that I added in any affects I might have needed for the link between any footage.

The last step was to put my animatics piece (storyboard) and my finished product onto a DVD which I will use for my exhibtion.

2.3 Production Diary

First i set up a camera outside woolworthes and filmed up towards County Mall using a long-medium shot nad then I went over to the car park to capture some films of the traffic for around 10-15 minutes. I then used a pigeon and and one of my sandwich boxes to use the effect of man taken away nature. I filmed this shot two or three times for around 30 seconds to a minute each time.

Most of my other shots came on day 2 where I was filming two or three shots above a jorgecarriage way near Broadbridge Heath at around 11'0 clock at night. Some of the otehr shots earlier that day consisted of some more shots of people round and about Crawley and outside McDonalds for a shot of the rubbish collecting on the streets. I filmed these shots for around 5 minutes each so I got some more prospective film for editing.

2.2 Exhibition/installation plan

1)The video installation i am doing is on the environment and the video is based around the amount of people and cars. Becasue of this and by making some decision's over a number of places to show my film, I have decided that my house should be the place I will show it.
This is because just down the road from my house is a big carpark and a busy road so the effect of showing this in my house to the general public might make them see that we are overdoing our part on 'killing the environment'.

2)The layout of the plan will be that the film will be shown in a small room in my house where the room will be blacked out so they can only concentrate on my film and not on each other. They will have only a couple of chairs to sit on and that this will hopefully make them feel uncomfortable. This affect wouldn't work if you used a sofa as they would feel more comfy than if they used chairs. The TV will be up against the wall rather than be towards the centre of the wall so the TV seems smaller and so does the video. This is because not many people are worried about this topic so this might suit it well.

3) Some of the questions I will ask are:
- What did you think this film was about?
- What were your feelings towards the style in which the exhibit was laid out, and did this make you feel umcomfortable?

- Did this film make you think differently on how you view the crisis of the environment, if so please explain why?
- Was the video good quality or clear enough whilst viewing it, please explain your answer?

I want to get a detailed answer so i can recieve a clear overall explanation of the what people thought so when i go to write my evaluation i can recieve a hopeful wide range of answers.